“We are not in the business of doing business as usual.”

After years in the industry, time after time, I have watched people with no passion operate with greed. They sell products that do not work, put immense profit margins on contracts, train people in a very short time and deploy them into very dangerous situations. All for the shareholders bottom-line.
In 2009, after years of frustration with these business practices, I formed International ISS. My core beliefs are: do the right thing; have love and passion for what you do; and the bottom line will take care of itself.
It’s time to do the right thing. We at ISS are committed to changing the way business is done.
When we look you in the eye, give you our word, and shake your hand, you can rest assured that we are here to do the right thing. We believe we can change the way of doing business and in the process change the world.
ISS provides integrated solutions to private agencies, government agencies and non-governmental organizations worldwide.
We offer Research and Development, Consulting, Product & Equipment Sales, Project Management, and Specialized Training in Support of Security, Military, Law Enforcement, and Corporations Worldwide.
We pride ourselves on delivering the highest quality products, services and personnel at a fair price and an honest handshake.